Our Story

I am Sylvie and these are my 2 sons, Thomas and Pierre. We founded our online grocery store, Tariette, in 2017. Born and raised in Haute-Provence, where Pierre and I still live, we share a genuine passion for local food and produce from our region.
Our love for real good food from Provence comes from my father, who was the chef at our family dinners for over 60 years. We are not lured by the over use of marketing around organic products, extravagant brand names, or pretty packaging. We believe in traditional, simple, yet delicious produce. We are lucky to live in a region where there is a wide diversity of food, produce, farmers, and artisans. From chocolate to olive oil, from almonds to wine or from goat’s cheese to black truffles, food is bountiful and beautiful here. Often, the art of growing fruits and vegetables, manufacturing produce, or even finding mushrooms in our forests comes from traditions dating back hundreds of years.
Thomas has been living in London for over 14 years. The food and produce here have been what he has missed the most about home. Despite his efforts to buy good local British food from farmers markets and niche retailers, it just wasn’t the same as the food he would eat with us each time he’d come back to pay us a visit. I started to send him parcels with food and wine and one day we thought that Thomas was not the only person in the UK missing out on the delicious food and produce from Haute Provence. That’s the main reason why we decided to launch Tariette. For all the Thomases and lovers of real Provençal food out there in the UK.
The second reason is to promote the passion and talent of our local farmers and producers who simply cannot work with the big UK supermarkets, because they don’t have the quantities, the logistics, and the knowledge to take part in the ruthless large distribution chains. We want to give the little guys a chance to show what they can do.
Come and say hello on Instagram, drop us a line at hello@tariette.com, call us on (+44) 7584 484 932 or write to us at: Tariette, 90-92 Hythe End Road, Wraysbury, TW19 5AP, UK. For marketing enquiries please contact Thomas at thomas@tariette.com.